Trisuit RAY - Equipo Quarzo TriClub
Tax included.
DEFLECT • Refracción de rayos solares que mantiene fresca la prenda.
PAD TOWEL • Antibacterial.
REPULSE • Repele el agua.
SHELL • Protector UV.
a) You have 30 calendar days from receipt of the product to request an exchange.
b) You will need your proof of purchase, which is sent in your order confirmation email.
c) The store must have available the model and size requested in kumi-mx.com.
d) Physical exchanges will be made for the same model and only apply to size changes.
e) Due to health, hygiene and commercial policies, exchanges are not allowed on the following items:
Socks of any kind.
Sports tops.
Promotional, clearance or discounted products.
Pre-sale merchandise.
f) The article must be sent in perfect condition, with its original tags intact.
g) Transportation and other expenses related to the exchange will be assumed by the customer.
Return Policy
If you need to return a product, please note the following:
a) The item must be in perfect condition, with its original packaging and tags.
b) You have 30 calendar days from receipt of the product to request a refund.
c) The refund will be made to the same payment method used, as long as the payment was made via PayPal or credit/debit card. Refund processing time may vary from 3 to 30 days depending on the banking institution. If you paid by Oxxo deposit or interbank transfer, the refund will be processed through an e-wallet.
d) You may opt for a refund in an electronic purse, as long as the product complies with the conditions of point A. This e-wallet can only be used in the online store to purchase other products.
e) You will need your order confirmation, sent to the email address you used to make the purchase.
f) For reasons of health, hygiene and commercial policies, returns are not allowed on the following items:
Socks of any kind.
Sports tops.
Promotional, clearance or discounted products.
Pre-sale merchandise.
G) If you decide to return a product by your own choice, shipping costs will not be refunded. The shipping cost will only be refunded if the garment sent is different from the one originally purchased.
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